Friday, June 18, 2010

DoubleDown Takedown

This week, we have Arby's! The contender against KFC's infamous Double Down is Arby's.

In keeping with staying below the $4.99 sticker for the KFC Double Down, there is a Value Menu at Arby's which has a lot of $1 items. The problem is finding an Arby's. Luckily, there are 2 in driving distance to make my lunch break short.

$2.00 2 x Chicken Sandwiches (shredded lettuce like from a Taco? Gottsta go.)
$1.00 1x Jr. Roast Beef Sandwich (pathetic when compared to the regular, but worth $1)
$1.39 1x Ham & Cheddar Melt

$4.80 is the total.

This edges out the Wendy's double down, only because I added the extra Ham & Cheese. Maybe I can re-do the Wendy's one with an extra Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger. At least I kept it cheaper then $4.99.

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